What is culture?
A person’s culture is the product of many factors – race, country of birth, religion, gender, etc. Australia is a multicultural country whose inhabitants come from more than 30 different countries. In this webquest you will be comparing your culture with that of someone from a different country of birth.
How do you learn about another culture?
- Read books about the country where the culture is based
- Search online
- Interview people
Food, attire, customs, religions, languages, gender roles, etc.
What can we learn from other cultures to expand our view of the world?
What do you think is important to discover on this quest?
What information from this quest do you think will help you in the future?
In this quest, you will be reading for information about the culture of your choice, and comparing it to your own. You will gather information from a variety of sources (books, articles, and the internet) to help you make your comparison. You will complete an organiser to show the aspects of each culture and the many similarities or differences you have found.
At 30 June 2006 almost one quarter (24%) of the Australian population was born overseas. At 30 June 2001 Western Australia had the highest proportion of overseas-born residents (29%) of all states and territories, while Tasmania had the lowest proportion (11%).
Choose another culture you would like to compare with your own. You must produce a written narrative or comparative essay that highlights the similarities and differences between both cultures.
- Choose which culture you would like to compare with your own.
- Research the other culture.
- Write down a list of similarities and differences.
What did you find out?